Hey Folks,
Some of the highlights in Data Science and AI this week include; “Smartbikes” thanks to Cybic Legend, Microsoft AI’s new writing inspiration called “Zo”, many find smart homes are getting creepy, and like it or not AI automation is going to change service work and leave many workers looking for different positions.
Get the rest of the latest news in AI, Data Science & Deep Learning below.
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Here are some highlights from the past couple of weeks:
The Quiet Ways Automation Is Remaking Service Work

Artificial Intelligence Is Powerful—And Misunderstood. Here’s How We Can Protect Workers

Tech Giants, Gorging on AI Professors Is Bad for You

Don’t believe the hype: the media are unwittingly selling us an AI fantasy

Microsoft AI “Zo” Is a Novel Inspiration

Nobody asked for an Alexa-powered bicycle, but Cybic Legend built one anyway
Home items are getting smarter and creepier, like it or not
I hope you find these resources helpful. And as always thank you for having me along on your learning journey.