We’re looking for a new teaching assistant!

We’ve seen a lot of growth in new students, and we need some extra help answering their questions on Udemy. If you’re interested, please complete the form below. I expect we’ll get more applicants than we can respond to, so I can’t promise a response to everyone. But, we’ll contact you if we’d like to move forward. Thank you!

Sundog Education TA Application
Initially this teaching assistant role will support the following courses on Udemy. Which of the following courses have you already completed? *
What other courses from Sundog Education have you completed?
Please check each option below to agree the following terms, should you be selected as a teaching assistant:
I understand the following expectations for a teaching assistant (select each to acknowledge)


How would you answer the following actual student question from “Autonomous Cars: Deep Learning and Computer Vision with Python?” This was asked on lecture video http://media.sundog-soft.com/Udemy/8.4.SVMActivity.mp4

What aspects define contribute in the classification report

I am running the same script provided from the course, what I realized is that I have different precision, recall, and F1 score values (I have got  .96,.97,97), as well as the array of the model prediction, my question is what are aspects taking into consideration when developing a model, why my classification is different than yours, even if we used the same data, is it related to PC used, python version…etc?


How would you answer the following actual student question from “Building Recommender Systems?” For reference, the question was attached to this lesson video: http://media.sundog-soft.com/Udemy/034.ItemBasedActivity.mp4

How to map back cosine similarity matrix to itemid’s ?

simsMatrix which is in numpy array format  i am converting it into pandas dataframe using

pd.DataFrame and for column and index  i am giving list of movieid’s in ascending order i.e

[1 , 2 , ………………. ,163949 ] which is the range of movieid’s in movie lens dataset is this correct format of mapping .


How would you answer the following actual student question from “Build a Serverless App with AWS Lambda?” (on the video http://media.sundog-soft.com/Udemy/44-NewConversation.mp4) :

i can’t able to see the list of conversations . While inspacting element , it tells me result.data.forEach is not a function ?

Published by

Frank Kane

Our courses are led by Frank Kane, a former Amazon and IMDb developer with extensive experience in machine learning and data science. With 26 issued patents and 9 years of experience at the forefront of recommendation systems, Frank brings real-world expertise to his teaching. His ability to explain complex concepts in accessible terms has helped over one million students worldwide gain valuable skills in machine learning, data engineering, and AI development.

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