Deep Learning with Tensorflow and Python

Learn Tensorflow, Keras, deep learning, CNN’s, RNN’s, and more with hands-on activities and exercises!

Enroll for Free!


This course is free, to get you started in the field of deep learning! We hope you’ll consider our premium courses too. Opt-in to our mailing list when enrolling to receive discounts on new courses!

It’s hard to imagine a hotter technology than deep learningartificial intelligence, and artificial neural networks. If you’ve got some Python experience under your belt, this course will de-mystify this exciting field with all the major topics you need to know. 

We’ll cover:

  • Artificial Neural Networks
  • Multi-Layer Perceptions
  • Tensorflow
  • Keras
  • Convolutional Neural Networks
  • Recurrent Neural Networks

And it’s not just theory! In addition to the class project, as you go you’ll get hands-on with some smaller activities and exercises:

  • Building neural networks for handwriting recognition
  • Learning how to predict a politician’s political party based on their votes
  • Performing sentiment analysis on real movie reviews
  • Interactively constructing deep neural networks and experimenting with different topologies

A few hours is all it takes to get up to speed, and learn what all the hype is about. If you’re afraid of AI, the best way to dispel that fear is by understanding how it really works – and that’s what this course delivers.

Course Instructor

Frank Kane Frank Kane Author

Our courses are led by Frank Kane, a former Amazon and IMDb developer with extensive experience in machine learning and data science. With 26 issued patents and 9 years of experience at the forefront of recommendation systems, Frank brings real-world expertise to his teaching. His ability to explain complex concepts in accessible terms has helped over one million students worldwide gain valuable skills in machine learning, data engineering, and AI development.

Enroll for Free!


This course is free, to get you started in the field of deep learning! We hope you’ll consider our premium courses too. Opt-in to our mailing list when enrolling to receive discounts on new courses!


Tensorflow and the low-level API

Tensorflow and the V2 / Keras API

Convolutional Neural Networks

Recurrent Neural Networks

Neural Networks in the Real World

Final Project

3 thoughts on “Deep Learning with Tensorflow and Python”

  1. pallaveech says:

    After completion of course, how will I get certificate?

    1. Frank Kane says:

      Certificates aren’t offered for free courses I’m afraid.

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