Unlimited access to our entire catalog for just $24.99 per month! Join over 300,000 students who have rated these courses 4.5 stars and launched countless careers. Learn today’s hottest and newest technical skills, including Hadoop, Big Data, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Apache Spark, and Elasticsearch. Subscribe today and level up your career.
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What if I want to end the course in between?
You can cancel your monthly renewal at any time, but you can’t pay for just a portion of a month if that’s what you mean.
Hi Frank – Do you have course specific to AWS Data analytics Specialty certification?
I do, but it’s not available on this site because it was co-produced with someone else. It’s available on Udemy at https://www.udemy.com/course/aws-big-data/?referralCode=129BF04F6D4FA875FF00
It’s now available here as well! https://sundog-education.com/course/aws-certified-data-analytics-specialty-2021-hands-on/
Hi Frank, I have enjoyed doing your courses on Udemy and would like to enroll for the full membership.
However, I dont have a high end PC (current RAM is just 4 GB). How can I get around this and still do the hands on advised in the course?
RAM is pretty inexpensive these days; you should consider getting more as 4GB isn’t much for most modern applications. However, the only course that really requires a lot of RAM is “The Ultimate Hands-On Hadoop” – there’s really no getting around that, as it is a requirement of the HDP platform itself and cloud computing resources that meet the requirements aren’t free. For the others, you could probably run most of the exercises on your system. If you do run into a situation where your computer can’t do it, it’s OK to just watch me do the exercise in the video instead.
Hi Frank – What is the difference between a course that is offered here and the same/similar one that you sell on the Udemy platform?
It is the same course. But here, you’ll get direct support from me instead of a teaching assistant, and your money goes to me instead of to Udemy at least.
Hi Frank & All, I just joined here and yes, you are correct, instead Paying to someone for your courses, Its better to register here for your courses alone!!
Much appreciated!
You are saving the data science world. I am grateful for your passion to share knowledge with those who seek to help and support businesses that help humanity and the environment.
Wow, thanks for the kind words!
Hi How do I pause my monthly membership for now?
Hi, I don’t think there is a way to put a temporary hold in place, but you will find instructions to stop your subscription at https://sundog-education.com/help/. You can always resubscribe when ready.
Thanks a lot for you courses, Frank!
Your explanations and examples are the best among all BigData courses.
Hey, thank you! Glad you’re enjoying it.
Hi Frank, I just bought your course ‘Taming Big Data with Apache Spark and Python’ on Udemy, and have installed Java, spark following your instructions. Now, I am getting errors message when downloading winutils.exe. The message said: “The code execution cannot proceed because MSVCR100.dII was not found. Reinstalling the program may fix this problem”.
Need help please. Thanks
There’s a Q&A feature on Udemy you can use for questions there… but I think if you search for the Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 runtime package and install it, it should clear that up.
Hi Frank, I am in now after downloading the Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 runtime package; but another problem I am seeing is: from anaconda prompt, I used to work on Jupyter Notebook with Python 3 installed into my computer, before starting learning Spark. But when I am trying to launch spark-submit ratings-counter.py on Anaconda Prompt, the python can NOT be found; the error message said: “python was not found but can be installed from the Microsoft store”. How can I resolve this, please? Thanks for responding to me. I prefer to post my questions here, because on Udemy, no one can answer them.
Please post the details in the Q&A feature on Udemy as you’re taking the course there. It sounds like you need to re-install Anaconda.
Questions on Udemy should be answered within a few days at most. If you’re seeing something going unanswered there let me know.
Question is re-posted on Udemy Q&A feature. Thanks for responding to me.
Thanks Frank, I will try it and let you you.